孩子長大得太快了! 陳茵媺女兒笑起來和媽媽一樣
陳豪和陳茵媺已經結婚5年了,兩人育有3子,常常被拍到親自照顧孩子,可說是Super Mum和 Super Dad。
陳茵媺喜歡在社交平台分享和孩子的日常生活照,近日曬出了孩子的自拍,寫道:「Ust the 3 of us: You know they have guts when after 3 needles and drawing blood they are still smiling. Or it could be the pibery of the big "m" and chocolate egg! (當你看到你們抽完血及打完三支針後仍然在微笑,你就知道他們多有膽色。不過也可能是因為朱古力及麥當勞吧。)」
「You guys are growing up WAY too fast! In a way, I am glad bc those 300 steps are hell to walk on with a heavy knapsack full of baby gear (landmark to Caine road) and having to hold the youngest bc she insists she can't walk on uneven pavement..你們長大得太快了!某程度上我很高興,因為要背著一整袋幼兒用品的背包走這三百級樓梯真的猶如地獄,而且我還要拖著小的那個,因為她堅持說他不能在不平的路上行...」
這幾張照片可以看得出這位Super Mum和孩子感情真的很好,女兒笑起來更是和媽媽一模一樣啊!