金寶瓦煲雞飯 ~ Kampar claypot chicken rice

金寶瓦煲雞飯 ~ Kampar claypot chicken rice

食譜取自 : Submerryn.com金寶瓦煲雞飯醃料:雞腿   500g (切塊 )鹽   1茶匙麻油   1茶匙蚝油   1湯匙黑醬油   1/4茶匙胡椒粉   1/4茶匙糖         1茶匙玉米粉   1茶匙姜汁      1湯匙
做法 :
飯 :
材料米   300g ( 洗淨 )水   420ml
做法 :
** 飯煮著時,醬汁材料攪拌均勻
醬汁 :
蚝油   1湯匙
黑醬油   ½湯匙醬油     1湯匙麻油   1茶匙熱水     2湯匙
做法 :
2. 倒入醬汁,加蓋。以小火煮至熟。( 大概10 ~ 15分鐘 )

Kampar claypot chicken rice 

Chicken marinate ingredients:
500 grams chicken whole leg cut into bite pieces1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon sesame oil1 tablespoon oyster sauce1/4 teaspoon dark soya sauce1/4 teaspoon pepper1 teaspoon sugar1 teaspoon cornflour1 tablespoon ginger juice
Method :
Mix them all together in a bowl and let it marinate for at least half an hour in the refrigerator.
For the rice
300 grams of rice (washed until water runs clear)420ml water

Method : Simmer for about 10 minutes.

** While the rice is cooking, mix up the drizzling sauce.

Drizzling sauce ingredients:1 tablespoon oyster sauce1/2 tablespoon dark soy sauce1 tablespoon light soy sauce1 teaspoon sesame oil2 tablespoon hot water

Method : 
1.Once rice is cooked, add in marinated chicken. You may add salted fish and chinese sausages if you want. 
2.Pour some of the drizzling sauce and cover. Lower the heat and leave it for another 10 to 15 minutes.

