Gen 3 Most Unique Ghost type Pokemon 第三代最獨特的幽靈系寶可夢
第三代幽靈系寶可夢 Gen 3 Ghost type Pokemon:
第三代最獨特的幽靈系寶可夢 Most Unique Ghost type Pokemon in Gen 3
1. 脫殼忍者 Shedinja
土居忍士進化時的產物,其實就是蟬蛻。身體呈褐色,體內中空因此非常輕。它的腹部為深褐色,背部和翅膀是淺褐色。頭上還生出了白色的“光環。It is considered a special evolution of Nincada, appearing only when Nincada evolves into Ninjask.
屬性 Type: 蟲/幽靈 Bug/Ghost
等級 Level 40 最大 Max CP
攻擊(ATK) 153
防禦(DEF) 80
耐力(STA) 2
弱勢 Weak Against (受到傷害 Damage Taken +40%)火 Fire 岩石 Rock 惡 Dark 飛行 Flying 幽靈 Ghost
抗性 Resistant to (受到傷害 Damage Taken - 28.6%):蟲 Bug 草 Grass 一般 Normal 地面 Ground 毒 Poison
雙倍抗性 Double Resistant to (受到傷害 Damage Taken - 49%):格斗 Fighting
特性 Ability: 神奇守護 Wonder Guard (在主游戲中,
特性是第三世代引入的每只寶可夢都擁有的特殊能力。 In Main Game, Abilities are game mechanic introduced in Gen III that provides a passive battle effect for your Pokemon.)-特性 Ability:神奇守護 Wonder Guard
Wonder Guard prevents damage from direct attacks unless they are super-effective. Shedinja is the only Pokémon to have this ability so this means that only Fire, Flying, Rock, Ghost and Dark moves will have an effect, However, Pokémon protected by Wonder Guard are not immune to indirect attacks. Status-category moves still work and all end-of-turn damage will still incur, for example from poisoning, burns, sandstorms or hail.-獨特或是最弱 Unique or Weakest?
脫殼忍者將會變成寶可夢Go裡最弱的寶可夢,除非N社推出特性這個系統。Unless abilities are introduced,Shedninja will become the Weakest Pokemon in Pokemon Go.
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