Top 2 Worst Legendary Pokemon in current meta 兩只只能靠顏值來混的神獸

1. 水君 Suicune

Image result for suicune gif

屬性 Type: 水 Water

等級 Level 40 最大 Max CP


攻擊(ATK)   180  

防御(DEF)   235  

耐力(STA)      200  

防御效果  Defensive Type Effectiveness

弱勢 Weak Against (受到傷害 Damage Taken +40%):草 Grass   電 Electric

抗性 Resistant to (受到傷害 Damage Taken - 28.6%):鋼 Steel   火 Fire   水 Water   冰 Ice

快速技能表 Quick Move

神通力 Extrasensory   (超能力 Psychic)

覺醒力量 Hidden Power   (一般 Normal)

蓄力技能表 Charge Move

水炮 Hydro Pump   (水 Water)

泡沫光線 Bubble Beam   (水 Water)

水之波動 Water Pulse   (水 Water)

A)水精靈比水君更加強勁。Vaporeon is Stronger than Suicune

水君vs 水精靈 (目前最強的水系寶可夢)Suicune vs Vaporeon (The Best Water type Pokemon in Current Meta)

水精靈擁有比水君還要高的攻擊力和耐力。Vaporeon has higher Attack and Stamina than Suicune

B)水君的快速技較差。Suicune has worse Quick Move.

快速技能表 Quick Move:

神通力 Extrasensory (超能力系 Psychic)

冷卻 Cooldown:1.1s 


 覺醒力量 Hidden Power (一般系 Normal)

冷卻 Cooldown: 1.5s


水伊布 Vaporeon 

快速技能表 Quick Move:

水槍 Water Gun  

冷卻 Cooldown: 0.5s


水槍的冷卻時間較短,比較容易閃避對手的攻擊。 Water Gun being faster makes it easier to dodge with.

2. 急凍鳥 Articuno  

Image result for articuno gif

屬性 Type:冰/飛行  Ice/Flying

等級40最大CP值  Level 40 Max CP




耐力(STA)  180  

防禦效果Defensive Type Effectiveness

雙倍弱勢 Double Weak Against (受到傷害 Damage Taken +96%):岩石 Rock

弱勢 Weak Against (受到傷害 Damage Taken +40%):電 Electric--鋼 Steel--火 Fire

抗性 Resistant to (受到傷害 Damage Taken - 28.6%):草 Grass--地面 Ground--蟲 Bug

快速技能表 Quick Move

冰息 Frost Breath

蓄力技能表 Charge Move

冰凍光束 Ice Beam

暴風雪 Blizzard

冰凍之風 Icy Wind

作為道館挑戰者 As Gym Attacker


we live in a new era of gym defense now; no longer do we see towers stacked with Dragonites. Only six can defend a gym at a time, and you cannot have duplicates of the same species. There is less value in having a Tanky attacker into Dragonite, because you only need to be able to beat one. Jynx, still the reigning DPS king for Ice attacks,was never favored beyond a prestiging role due to its low effective health, and inability to defeat multiple defenders. But in a meta with 6 attackers and 6 defenders, your Pokemon need only win a 1 vs 1 matchup. Jynx will take out Dragonite faster than any other Pokemon, and that’s all it needs to do.

作為頭目戰挑戰者 As Raid Attacker

這些頭目被冰系克制  These Raid Bosses Weak Against Ice type Move:

1. 妙蛙花 Venusaur— 火系和超能力系會是更好的選擇因為他們能貢獻出更高的傷害值。Fire and Psychic type are much better type choices because they have higher DPS output.

2. 鑽角犀獸 Rhydon— 水系和草系才是首選因為水系和草系招式對鑽角犀獸 雙倍效果絕佳。Water and Grass are much better type choices because they are double Super Effective.

3.閃電鳥 Zapdos—— 急速鳥被電系克制。Articuno weak against Electric type move,


