【蒸譜】鹽焗當歸馬來雞 -- 濃濃香味!一定要吃
【蒸譜】鹽焗當歸馬來雞 -- 濃濃香味!一定要吃
Every lady should replenish nutrients after giving birth during the confinement period. Here is a great recipe that keeps you nourished with Salted Baked "Dang Gui" Chicken recipe!對華人來說做月子對一位女人是十分重要,尤其月子期間一定要吃的好。這道鹽焗當歸馬來雞食譜最適合做月期間吃(第2星期),就能達到養生的作用。
1/2 free-range chicken / "Ayam Kampung" / 1/2只馬來雞/土雞 10g Angelica / "Dang Gui" (chopped) / 10克當歸(切幼) 3 tbsp Shaoxing wine / 3大匙 紹興酒 1 piece greaseproof paper / 1張 油紙 2kg coarse salt / 2公斤 粗鹽
1 tbsp light soy sauce / 1大匙 醬油 2 tsp sesame oil / 2小匙 麻油 1/2 tsp pepper / 1/2小匙 胡椒粉
1. Rinse chicken, pat-dry, rub all over the chicken with chopped Angelica, Shaoxing wine and seasoning. Let it marinate for 20 minutes. 把雞洗淨,抹干水份加入當歸、紹興酒和調味料涂抹均勻,醃漬20分鐘。2. Place chicken on a stainless steel plate or iron plate, top with Angelica mixture. 將雞放入鐵碟上,把當歸材料鋪在雞上面。3. Wrap chicken and plate together with the greaseproof paper. 用油紙將碟和雞一起包起。4. Stir-fry coarse salt in a wok over medium heat until the salt is very hot. Remove 2/3 portion of hot salt and reserve it. Then, flatten the salt in wok. 鑊裡加入粗鹽,中火拌炒至粗鹽熱騰。把熱鹽盛起2/3,並將鑊裡的粗鹽鋪平。5. Place in chicken, cover chicken with the reserved hot salt fully. 放入紙包雞, 將2/3的熱鹽加入,把紙包雞蓋上。6. Cover with lid, bake chicken in hot salt over a low heat for 35-40 minutes till cooked. Remove from heat, serve hot. 加上鑊蓋,以慢火焗35-40分鐘,即可上桌熱食。