Level 5 and above can now participate in Raid 等級5或以上已經能參加團戰

Pokemon Go's social media accounts announced that players who were Level 5 or higher could now see and participate in raid battles at gyms.

根據Pokemon Go 官方推特的消息, 目前道館頭目挑戰只開放給Lv 5以上的玩家

You’ll receive a notification of Raid Battles happening nearby. You can also use the Nearby feature to locate raids happening around you. Don't worry if you miss a chance to join a Raid Battle as they happen frequently.

推送通知會告知你附近有頭目蛋出現或者你可以使用系統中的“附近” 來查看附近是否有頭目戰可以參加,如果錯過了別擔心,頭目會時常出現。

Image result for pokemon go raid pass

To join a raid, you’ll first need a Raid Pass. There are two types of Passes: 

Raid Passes and Premium Raid Passes. You gain a Raid Pass by spinning the Photo Disc at a Gym. You can only hold one Raid Pass at a time, and you can only receive one per day. If you have already used your Raid Pass, you can purchase a Premium Raid Pass from the Shop.

 團戰開始前,道館上面會出現一個巨大的蛋,當巨蛋上方的時間倒數到 0 的時候就會出現團戰 BOSS 。必須擁有團戰入場券才可參與團戰,透過在道館旋轉光盤就會有機會免費取得,但一天只能獲得一張免費的入場卷, 如果想在一天內參加好幾次團戰的話,就必須花費寶可夢金幣來交換「特級團體戰入場券」。


Just like in a Gym Battle, you’ll choose 6 Pokémon to battle in the raid. Up to 20 Local Players can join a Raid Room and meet at the Gym where a Raid is taking place.  There are multiple public raid rooms, but players can also group up privately if they wish. Private Raid Rooms are organised by players and features a Password System made up of Pokémon icons. 

挑戰集團戰時,會移到與其他玩家一起的大廳畫面,可選擇 6 隻寶可夢參加戰鬥。在大廳的限制時間內與其他玩家參加相同的集團戰時,就會一起共同戰鬥。也有對應團隊密碼,可方便與認識的玩家組隊。另外,一個團隊雖然最多可以讓 20 人加入,但團體戰本身是沒有限制人數的。



If you and your fellow Trainers are successful in defeating the Raid Boss, you’ll earn special items and a chance at catching the Pokémon. Special items may include Golden Razz Berries, Fast and Charged TM, and Rare Candy.  You’ll also receive a number of Premier Balls used for catching the Raid Boss. If Trainers on your Team made substantial progress in defeating the Boss, members of your Team will be rewarded with additional Premier Balls. You cannot use Great Balls or Ultra Balls here, you’ll only be able to use these Premier Balls to catch the Boss Pokémon. However, you can use Berries to help capture this Pokémon. Aim carefully - once all of your Premier Balls run out, the Boss will flee.

打贏 BOSS 寶可夢的話,除了可以獲得招式學習器(一般/特殊)以及神奇糖果、金色蔓莓果等集團戰限定道具之外,根據戰鬥的貢獻度也可以獲得「紀念球」。紀念球是在對頭目戰勝利後的「Get Challenge」中才能使用的特殊精靈球,對戰鬥貢獻越多,就越有機會抓到頭目寶可夢。在 Get Challenge 中,寶可夢雖然不會逃跑,但紀念球用光就結束了。只靠紀念球感覺有點難抓。或許配合集團戰報酬所獲得的金色蔓莓果(比蔓莓果還要有效)會比較好。

