GPS Spoofing has been the latest target 飛人是最新目標
(28 June) New slashing:- it’s mostly targeting players who’ve been consistently using GPS spoofing methods to jump around a wider regional area.
Niantic will now check when you catched the pokemon and where, if you jumped, it will be slashed. It will also check your history location data to observe irrational and impossible movement patterns.. N 社會檢查寶可夢被收服的時間和地點以便觀察玩家是否在合理的移動距離內捕抓這些寶可夢,如果你“飛”了,你的寶可夢將被劃線標記。 除此之外,N 社也會檢查關於玩家位置的歷史數據。
- Slashed Pokémon can’t participate in Gym Battles 被標記的寶可夢無法打道館
- Slashed Pokémon can’t be deployed as Gym Defenders 被標記的寶可夢無法守塔
- The “Slash” is no longer removed upon evolution 進化也無法移除標記
- You get no Candy for transferring Slashed Pokémon 被標記的寶可夢被轉讓後無法獲得糖果
The term “slashed Pokémon” comes directly from Niantic, as their reddit support staff has shared the following on this topic N社員工早前在Reddit上發布的消息:
“With the announcement of Raid Battles and the new battle features, we are staying true on our commitment to ensuring that Pokémon GO continues to be a fun and fair experience for all Trainers. Starting today, Pokémon caught using third-party services that circumvent normal gameplay will appear marked with a slash in the inventory and may not behave as expected. We are humbled by the excitement for all the new features we announced yesterday. This is one small part of our continued commitment to maintaining the integrity of our community and delivering an amazing Pokémon GO experience.”
完整的N社聲明稿大意大概是: 我們很重視遊戲公平性,不正當獲得的寵物表現將不如預期 而且很期待昨天發佈的新道館玩法 這還只是維持遊戲公正性的一小步,並希望之後再給大家帶來更好的遊戲體驗!