《 台灣鹽酥雞 》小小一粒,有如爆米花,一粒一粒吃下去,真的很難停下來哦!
台灣鹽酥雞 Taiwanese Salt and Pepper Popcorn Chicken
比起台灣出名的大雞扒, 我其實比較喜歡這樣的鹽酥雞塊, 因為大雞扒太大塊了, 每次吃到最後都有很膩的感覺。 所以這次弄成小小一粒, 有如爆米花, 比較容易吃。 它真的可以當零食吃, 一粒粒吃下去, 真的很難停下來。
雞腿 3個 (去骨, 切小塊)
香蒜 2個(切碎),醬油 2Tbsp,五香粉 1Tbsp,麻油 1/2tsp,紹興酒 1/2Tbsp,胡椒粉 1/2tsp,鹽 1/2 tsp,糖 1/8tsp,巴西葉 適量,粟粉 適量,雞蛋 1粒
做法 :
1. 把雞肉和醃料混合, 醃制至少30分鐘。
2. 鍋內放些油, 開中火。 雞肉先沾上蛋液, 再沾上粟粉, 再放入熱油中炸至熟。
3. 雞肉炸好後, 油鍋內放入巴西葉, 幾秒後即可撈起, 放在雞肉上面, 再撒上五香粉或者辣椒粉即可。
Taiwanese Salt and Pepper Popcorn Chicken
- 3 boneless chicken thighs, cut into bite sized pieces
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tbsp five spice powder (This is a powder blend found at Chinese markets next to white pepper bottles)
- 1/2 tsp sesame oil
- 1/2 tbsp shaoxing cooking wine
- 1/2 tsp pepper powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/8 tsp sugar
For frying:
- handful of fresh Thai basil leaves
- 1 cup corn starch
- 1 egg, whisked
- 1 tbsp five spice powder for dusting
- Oil for deep-frying
1. In a medium bowl, combine the chicken and marinade ingredients, making sure to completely coat the chicken. Let sit for 30 minutes to an hour.
2. Pour oil at least one inch deep into pot or wok being used for frying and turn to medium high heat. In a small bowl, pour in whisked egg. In a separate small bowl, pour in cornstarch. When oil is heated, coat chicken in egg, then in cornstarch and then place into hot oil. Let chicken fry on both sides until batter becomes a medium pown (about 3-4 minutes). You can fry a few pieces of chicken at a time. When chicken is done, remove and place on a plate lined with paper towel to drain excess oil.
3. After you have finished with all of the chicken, drop in fresh basil leaves. The leaves cook quite fast, so you only need to fry them for a few seconds. Be careful as they might make a popping sound. Sprinkle basil on top of chicken. Sprinkle an additional 1 tbsp of five spice powder on top of chicken and toss chicken to make sure all chicken pieces are coated with powder and mixed with basil. If you feel more seasoning is necessary, sprinkle a little more five spice powder. Serve immediately while chicken is still crispy.