Pokemon Go- Red Slashes! 非法捕捉的寶可夢將會被標記
Pokemon GO is introducing another new way of dealing with cheaters. Those who use “third-party services that circumvent normal gameplay” will see a certain mark in their inventory. It also looks like Pokemon “may not behave as expected.
如果寵物被偵測到是非法方式獲得(使用第三方迴避正常遊戲的行為) 的將會被標記。標記如上圖,寶可夢身上會被劃畫上一條斜線 ,Niantic也在Reddit上表示‘’被標記的寵物表現將會不如預期"。
Here’s the full statement from Niantic: “With the announcement of Raid Battles and the new battle features, we are staying true on our commitment to ensuring that Pokémon GO continues to be a fun and fair experience for all Trainers. Starting today, Pokémon caught using third-party services that circumvent normal gameplay will appear marked with a slash in the inventory and may not behave as expected. We are humbled by the excitement for all the new features we announced yesterday. This is one small part of our continued commitment to maintaining the integrity of our community and delivering an amazing Pokémon GO experience.”
完整的N社聲明稿大意大概是: 我們很重視遊戲公平性,不正當獲得的寵物表現將不如預期 而且很期待昨天發佈的新道館玩法 這還只是維持遊戲公正性的一小步,並希望之後再給大家帶來更好的遊戲體驗!
So being silent over months and analyzing everything Niantic has finally deployed their major update with the new security feature, like the last security measures which heavily affected all the bots and the map trackers, this update is also targeting the Bots, it is still unclear it will affect spoofer
基本上就目前得知的情況,寶可夢會被劃線的違規玩家,和之前被禁用皮幣的是同一批人,也就是被發現使用機器人外掛。 至於大家最關心的飛人,現在還沒有被劃線的例子,我們也只能期待會有了。