New Gym Features 道館新功能
今後將不需要再用訓練方式來提升道館的聲望值 Gyms are no longer based around prestige
- 道館中的6個席位不能出現重複的寶可夢。舉例來說,如果有訓練家已經將幸運蛋指派至道館,那麼其他訓練家就不能將幸運蛋指派至這個道館。Only one of each Pokémon will be allowed at a time — no more gyms filled with ten Dragonites, or maxed-out Blissey armies.
- 道館將會出現6個常設席位。佔領道館的隊伍成員可將寶可夢指派至道館。 Each gym will now hold up to six Pokémon, with all six slots opening as soon as a gym is conquered.
- 當其他隊伍來踢館時,寶可夢將會以被指派至道館的先後順序登場對戰。You’ll battle Pokémon in the order in which they were added to a gym, instead of fighting them from weakest to strongest.
- 道館裡將會出現和寶可補給站一樣的轉盤,今後訓練家們也將可以在道館取得道具。You can now “spin” gyms like you would a Poké Stop. Once a day, gyms will give you a ‘raid pass’ (assuming you don’t already have one; you can only have one at a time.) What’s a raid pass, you ask? They let you participate in Raid Battle.
道館徽章 Gym Badge
今後拜訪道館時,將可以獲得「道館徽章」。道館徽章不僅記錄了你在Pokémon GO裡的冒險歷程,更反映了你為道館所做的貢獻。 訓練家們可以藉由對戰、餵食樹果及旋轉道館的轉盤來讓道館徽章升級。提升徽章的等級後,除了在轉轉盤時將可獲得額外道具,在道館活動時的報酬也會增加。
Gym Badges are reminders of the Gyms you fought in and they provide some solid improvements to Gym Drops and Bonuses.Each gym now has a badge you can earn and level up from Vanilla -> Bronze -> Silver -> Gold. Feeding, Spining and Battling at the Gym will progress your Badge.
干勁 Gym Motivation System
Pokémon will now lose “motivation” over time and/or whenever they are defeated, temporarily lowering their maximum combat power. When a Pokémon’s motivation hits zero, they leave the gym. Any player on the same team can feed a gym’s Pokémon berries to lift their motivation.
團體戰 Cooperative Raids:
Raids are timed events that will have a powerful Pokémon temporarily taking over a gym. In the preview materials, a 25,000+ CP Tyranitar is shown as an example.Raid Battles take place at a local Gym, where a large Egg will appear on top of the Gym, displaying a Raid Countdown. When the countdown reaches Zero, a random Raid Boss will appear. To participate in a raid, you need a raid pass which can be obtained from spinning a gym, but you can only hold one at a time. Players from all teams can work together to take down these Pokémon (max of 20 participants), and earn new items and an opportunity to catch these Pokémon (though probably not at that CP level).
新道具 New Items:
新道具登場 打倒頭目寶可夢後,就可以獲得「神奇糖果」、「金色蔓莓果」或「招式學習器」等只能在團體戰中取得的特別道具。A couple other new items are being pought into the mix that can only be obtained through raids:
1. 神奇糖果:糖果裡面是滿滿的神奇力量,可以變成任何一隻寶可夢的寶果。
Rare Candy: to evolve a Pokémon in Go, you need a bunch of that Pokemon’s “candy”… which you get by catching more of that Pokémon. This makes evolving certain Pokémon a total pain, as you need to catch dozens of them. Rare candy, meanwhile, will work for any Pokémon.
2. 金色蔓莓果:金色蔓莓果能讓野生寶可夢變得更容易捕捉,也能讓被指派至道館的寶可夢的幹勁完全恢復
Golden Razz Berries: like standard Razz Berries, these increase the likelihood that your Pokemon will stay in a Pokeball you’ve thrown. These are just considerably more effective. They’ll can completely refill the motivation of a Pokémon in a gym.
3. 一般招式學習器:招式學習器的一種,可以讓寶可夢隨機學會一招新的一般招式
Fast TMs and Charged TMs permanently teach Pokémon a new attack.