Best Dark Prestiger 惡系裡最佳蓋塔寶可夢

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月精靈 Umb reon

Weak Against 弱勢  Damage Taken  受到傷害 +25%:

Strong Against 優勢 Damage Taken 受到傷害  -20%:

戰斗力(CP) 2052  88/251
攻擊(ATK) 126 173/251
防御(DEF) 250 9/251
耐力(STA) 190 25/251

 Quick Move 快速技能表 

出奇一擊(Feint Attack)


Charge Move 蓄力技能表

惡之波動(Dark Pulse)  

欺詐(Foul Play)            

Best Moveset 推薦技能組合: Snarl/ Dark Pulse 大聲咆哮/惡之波動

Tamao doesn't have as strong of an Attack stat as other evee evoulution , but it makes up for it with its super-high Defense stat, the 9th highest in 

Pokemon GO. Tamao is great for prestige training against Exeggutor, Espeon, Alakazam, and other Psychic-type defenders.


Tamao 月精靈 CP 1555 vs Dragonite 快龍 CP 3229

Tamao 月精靈 CP1053 vs Alakazam 胡地 CP2823

