Unfortunately for Donphan,Rhydon and Tyranitar, the current meta heavily favours Water and Grass Type Pokémon.These Pokemon ( capable of over 3000 cp) has even better usage as attacker.
戰斗力(CP) | 3670 | 3/251 |
攻擊(ATK) | 251 | 8/251 |
防御(DEF) | 212 | 23/251 |
耐力(STA) | 200 | 17/251 |
弱勢 Weak Agasint :
優勢 Strong Against :
Tyranitar pretty much gets completely wrecked when pitted against FIGHTING and WATER types, mostly due to high DPS these attackers can output and type disadvantage:
- 1.56x damage from Fighting
- 1.25x damage from Water
- 1.25x damage from Grass
- 格斗系 1.56倍傷害
- 水系1.25倍傷害
- 草系1.25倍傷害
頓甲 Donphan
戰斗力(CP) | 3022 | 17/251 |
攻擊(ATK) | 214 | 36/251 |
防御(DEF) | 214 | 20/251 |
耐力(STA) | 180 | 34/251 |
弱勢 Weak Agasint :
優勢 Strong Against :
Its’ HP is OK, but it always feels like it needs more, mostly because when it comes to Gym defense, where almost any Water type will crush Donphan
. Ground type is also vulnerable against Grass and Ice, making Donphan actually very easy to counter. However, if Attackers fail to take him in consideration when setting up their team, he can be a huge problem.頓甲擁有非常高的血量和防御力,但是當遇上屬性相克的對手的時候你會覺得根本不夠用。草系和水系的絕招在頓甲眼裡是隕石撞地球般的災難性傷害,冰系的寶可夢對它來說也是致命的不過他們還是稀少的不像草系和水系那麼普遍。不過, 他是班吉拉的克星
鑽角犀獸 Rhydon
戰斗力(CP) | 3300 | 10/251 |
攻擊(ATK) | 222 | 31/251 |
防御(DEF) | 206 | 33/251 |
耐力(STA) | 210 | 14/251 |
弱勢 Weak Agasint :
優勢 Strong Against :
Its dual type makes Rhydon take decreased damage when attacked by:
- Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock, Flying and Normal moves (80%),
but it takes extra damage from
- Steel, Ground, Ice and Fighting attacks (125%)
- Grass and Water (156%)
Evidently, any WATER type pokemon with a half decent moveset can take down Rhydon.
與其他兩只有點不同的是,草系和水系是它最大的傷害來源。 絕大部分的草系和水系寶可夢都能擊敗他,不過他的雙屬性也附贈了一些優點:
受攻擊傷害 -25%但同時也有致命缺點:
受攻擊傷害+56% (最普遍的兩大屬性竟然是最大的克星) 受攻擊傷害+25%