5 weak Pokemon that don't have next evolution

5. Farfetch'd

Image result for pokemon go Farfetch'd

CP 1092   174/251
ATK 124 76/251
DEF 118 172/251
STA   104 171/251

Type: Flying/Normal

Best Moveset: Air Slash/ Air Cutter

This Normal/Flying stick-carrying bird Pokemon can only be found in Asia. At least, it can deal some damage to opponent compare with others in this list. 

4. Wobbuffet

Image result for pokemon go wobbuffet

CP 1024   183/251
ATK 60 242/251
DEF 106 191/251
STA   380 3/251

Type: Psychic

Best Moveset: Counter/ Mirror Coat

Similar to a punching bag, it can’t actually attack someone on its own, but it could 

‘hit back’ double on a Pokemon using the moves Counter (on physical attacks) and Mirror Coat (a special attack). To make things even more interesting, it has one of the highest HP among Gen 2 Pokemon, making it quite long lasting in battle.

3. Unown

CP 1022   184/251
ATK 136 159/251
DEF 91 215/251
STA   96 189/251

Type: Psychic

Best Moveset:Hidden Power/Struggle

Unown is one of the rarest and hardest to find Pokémon in Pokémon Go Gen 2. Scratch that. Unown is one of TWENTY SIX of the rarest and hardest to find Pokémon in Pokémon Go Gen 2. That's because it doesn't spawn very often in most areas and, when it does, it can manifest as any one of the 26 letters of the alphabet

2. Ditto

Image result for pokemon go ditto

CP 718   222/251
ATK 91 220/251
DEF 91 215/251
STA   96 189/251

Type: Normal

Signature Move: Transform

In Pokemon Go, Ditto is primarily capable of transforming into its opponent when it engages in a face-off at a Gym. By doing so, Ditto acquires the same moves and CP (combat power) level as its rival – but if Ditto's base CP is actually lower than the Pokémon it imitates, don't expect a one-on-one match-up.  Ditto also knows "Struggle," a Normal-type move that damages the opposing Pokémon.  

1. Shuckle

Image result for pokemon go shuckle

CP 300   250/251
ATK 17 251/251
DEF 396 1/251
STA   40 248/251

Type: Bug/ Rock

Best Moveset: Struggle Bug/ Stone Edge

Shuckle is the ultimate extreme of a Pokemon. Among all Pokemon, it has the lowest stamina and CP, however it has the highest defense, exceeding all known steel types and huge boulders. That is one rock-hard bug! Its’ Defense is so high that you usually need two Hydro Pumps to defeat it. It used to be a not very useful Pokemon back in Gen 2 because it can’t make any proper damage to anyone .

