最萌雜貨店 :喵星人擔當店長 還玩制服誘惑

最萌雜貨店 : 喵星人擔當店長 ,還玩制服誘惑。


According to Japanese media reports, in Japan, Ishikawa Prefecture, the United States, there is a "Meng" famous grocery store, where not only the sale of cat-related supplies, and even the store clerk are also meow star, very interesting.

最萌雜貨店:喵星人擔當店長 還玩制服誘惑


According to the staff, the shop manager is a 2-year-old cat wearing a dress, in addition, the chief (7 months) and a "trainee (1 year old)" are also meow star, and are female 

最萌雜貨店:喵星人擔當店長 還玩制服誘惑


And this looks obsessed with the lovely manager, had also experienced some sad past in the past. Previously, the shop staff found the only abused, dying cat, and take care of it. A few months later, wearing a nice little guy full of vitality to start a new life, also participated in the television program.

最萌雜貨店:喵星人擔當店長 還玩制服誘惑



Now, the manager has become a qualified boss, and with the other two equally injured meowers guarding the sale of cat supplies grocery store.

The staff also revealed that there may have been abuse experience, these little guys have some sense of fear of some items, while others are simply not open people. However, they are very spiritual, able to see the owner's mood, so she was very warm heart.

