新山再次上演種族衝突!柔佛Mount Austin Perdana 發生馬來人打華人事件 !!! OMG ..





給我一點時間,我剛到家,等下我解釋一下地點:mount Austin perdana 馬來教堂日期:5/4/17時間:2pm 

我到的時候,這條路左右邊都塞滿了車,更離譜的是剩下差不多一輛cancil 車大小的空間,車進不去,出不來....




他又hon 人家,人家罵他,他又hon,蠻怪懶一下,哈哈哈....

然後,就被全部包圍,打他車,提他車哪些,他就開車要走,他們不給走,我也剛好block 著他的車。



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Just hours ago, a video of a white Toyota Camry being trashed by a group of people who had just finished performing their Friday prayers was making rounds on social media.

From the video, the car was struggling to escape the scene while receiving kicks and blows from the angry crowd. The incident was said to have taken place at a mosque in Mount Austin Perdana at 2pm.

A netizen believed to be the witness of the incident shared what she saw on Facebook. She mentioned how there were cars parks on both sides of the road and the gap was only as big as a Kancil.

“There’s no way a car can go through that tight space,” 

she explained.

“I don’t know how long he had been waiting there. Then he started honking, and I followed suit.”

“I saw a person waved at the driver asking him to wait for a while. Surprisingly, he continued to honk. Then another person ran out to greet him and asked him to wait for a moment. But he just kept honking.

The continuous honking aggravated some of the people and when the prayer ended, someone confronted him and asked why couldn’t he be patient as the prayer was on-going.

Instead of replying, the man just continued honking!

“When people started scolding the driver, he honked at the people again. He seemed like a very stubborn person.

“After that, they started cornering off and damaging his car. He wanted to leave but people just wouldn’t let him.

“My car was blocking his way as well and almost hit by him several times.

“He was trying to scare them off but didn’t run them over. At the end, he was pulled out of the car and beaten by the angry mob.”

After watching the video, Malaysians are divided on the issue. Some say that the driver should be more tolerable and not honking the people, while other say that the road shouldn’t be blocked until impassable.

We think both are just equally at fault.

What’s your thought on this case?
