狗狗老是「收養」其他動物? 超有愛心...其實是怕孤單

Stanley Coren指出,人類飼養狗狗,狗狗也會想要照顧其他動物,所以雖然汪星人也會和同類一起社交,不過和其他動物建立情感連繫也是很正常的行為。此外,Stanley Coren也解釋,汪星人覺得孤單的時候會感到很不舒服,所以除了喜歡和其他狗狗一起外,和其他物種(或玩具)在一起也可以。

Why Does My Dog Act That Way?: A Complete Guide to Your Dog's Personality 

不過,並不是所有狗狗都會有這樣的行動,雌性犬是最常有「收養」行為的種類,並且通常會選擇幼小的哺乳動物進行扶養。Stanley Coren表示,所有哺乳動物都具有特定的費洛蒙,牠們會用這種氣味傳達訊息、溝通,雌性狗狗們可能就會做出回應,把這些幼小的動物當作自己的「小狗」一樣哺育。


當人類看到貓咪或其他動物,和狗狗一起怡然自得的樣子,都會覺得牠們感情好好、好可愛,但汪星人究竟是「移情」,還是「本能」驅使牠這麼包容呢?Stanley Coren指出,狗狗和2、3歲的孩子擁有差不多的基本情緒,但人類在4、5歲時才開始出現同理心(移情),因此,雖然不能說狗狗沒有同理心,但狗狗愛護其他動物的行為,比較接近生物本能的結果。

We've shared our lives with dogs for thousands of years, but they still act in ways that baffle us. To help us understand them better, Dr. Stanley Coren, the undisputed expert on dog behavior, intelligence, and training, tells the story of how dogs evolved over time into the myriad forms and peeds we love today. Not simply domesticated wolves, dogs are actually much more complex than wild canines; their ability to adapt to a man-made world is far more flexible, their personalities far more diverse. Fascinating findings reveal which peeds were ped to become more dominant, affectionate, cooperative, or even dangerous. This practical, surprising book also presents -- for the first time -- the "Dog Behavior Inventory," a simple, fun test based on the personality-profiling questionnaires used in human psychological studies that you can administer to your own dog to get a detailed picture of his personality and how he compares to other members of his peed. Then, using the findings of the U.S. Army's once- classified studies of "Superdogs," you can train your pet to become a real-life equivalent of Lassie and Rin Tin Tin -- a dog who is not disturbed, angered, or frightened by anything. Filled with the entertaining anecdotes and scientific data that Dr. Coren's avid followers have come to expect and enjoy, this uniquely complete guide to dog psychology can help you to select a new companion and to understand and communicate better with your old friend.

