BEWARE OF THIS WOMAN (AEON TEBRAU)【是第一次也會是最後一次之被你的紫色嘴唇迷得不要不要的】

**文長但是希望大家警惕**BEWARE OF THIS WOMAN (AEON TEBRAU)【是第一次也會是最後一次之被你的紫色嘴唇迷得不要不要的】事情是這樣的在昨天(27/4)本人在Aeon tepau 的雪糕店打工下午時段突然有名女子叫我然後和我說她在不久前消費了一個雪糕(RM14.90)給了我RM100大鈔可是我卻只找了她RrM14.1當下其實我很疑惑和緊張不過詢問了是否留有收據她說我沒給(現在想到才發現根本不可能*)因為不確定所以在討論了一下之後最後決定把剩下沒找的錢(RM71)給了他可是晚上closing的時候卻算到少了RM71也就是說【我沒找錯錢】當晚我就直接whatsapp了對方當時沒有回復於是隔天早上我就打了電話但是卻是Wrong number哦對了他來的時候還掛著aeon某件店的紫色掛繩在脖子上說他是在樓上做工的所以今天下午我去相關的店確認他們的員工卻說他們沒有印裔員工【而且】早上也有面包店的員工來找這個人顯然她不只騙了我們這一間。經過這件事之後的得到了一些結論:1.真的不要慌不管什麼情況都必須保持理智還有清醒2.收據一定要給顧客*其實顧客每次消費的時候在找錢的時候我都會把收據交回給對方,除了那種給准數額的顧客可能給了錢就走了,但是收據都會留在我們的收據小垃圾桶裡3.拿了電話號碼應該當場馬上試打(現在想到還是很揪心我為什麼沒想到)其實我也不確定這個身份證是不是她的因為她看起來不像18歲,談話間一直撫摸腹部,我還以為她身懷六甲還是肚子不舒服(一開始我還以為他要投訴我們的雪糕有問題)然後帶著藍色邊的眼鏡,但是鏡片上還留有字(類似牌子黏在上面一樣)還有他那最迷人的紫色口紅。我真的無法忘記她那涂不均勻的淡紫色口紅。---------------------------------------------------------該發洩的都在得知被騙後發洩了,該說的話不該說的也都說了佩服她不眨眼的騙人功力(可能用撫摸小腹來掩飾吧)也很無奈自己的不堅定輸給了理性在Aeon Tepau打工的人一定要小心注意。--------------------------------------------------------------------------BEWARE OF THIS WOMAN (AEON TEBRAU)Yesterday (27/4) I worked at Aeon tepau A woman was gently called me and told me that she had consumed a Medium tub (RM14.90) just now and she has paid me RM100 but I only gave back to her RM14.1In fact, I felt very puzzled and nervous on that timeWhen we asked whether the receipt can be proven but she said that I didn't give herSo after discussing We decided to giv back to her the correct amount(RM71)But at night when we counting the closing amountWE HAD LOST RM71So that‘s mean, I DIDN'T giv the wrong amount That night I was just whatsapp her and she didn't reply meSo the next morning I called herBUT IT WAS A WRONG NUMBERThat time she also told us that she was working at upstairs(she was wearing lanyard of the store)So this afternoon I went to the shop to find herBUT their employees said that they did not have any Indian staffIN ADDITIONA bakery employee has asked them the same question this morning too.OBVIOUSLY we are not the only victim in this matter.After this matter I got some conclusions:1. DO NOT panic no matter what the situation is,remain rational and sober!2. The receipt must be given to the customer3.Make sure that the number is available, call it immediately upon taking it--------------------嗯英文不太好不過應該看得懂吧? 反正就希望大家都要小心這個人就對了#真的18歲嗎她 #害我現在有點討厭紫色 #不過我更討厭她
