
【環球網報導 記者 程君秋】據英國《每日郵報》5月17日報導,美國一名準備要到醫院分娩的准媽媽,不幸在途中遇車禍傷重死亡,醫生其後為死者剖腹分娩,成功保住嬰兒。嬰兒目前情況良好。

據報導,上周,准媽媽伊列爾(Sarah Iler)出現臨盆先兆,於是丈夫立即駕車送她去醫院。不過,在駕車途中卻發生交通意外,伊列爾的車被一輛貨櫃車撞到,伊列爾與丈夫雙雙被拋出車外。救援人員到場後,立即為伊列爾實施心肺復蘇急救,希望母女平安,可惜伊列爾已無生命體征。






Pictured Sarah

Sarah Iler a Cape Girardeau, Missouri woman has died en route to hospital to give birth during a car accident with her baby daughter surviving after being born C-section moments after.

At the time, the 26 year old expectant mother was driving south on Interstate 55 with her husband Matt Rider, 34 when tragedy befell the couple Wednesday morning.

Already a day late and heavily dilated, the couple were minutes away from arriving at the hospital when a tanker truck crashed into a Nissan SUV, which in turn hit the couple’s vehicle, a red Chevrolet Blazer, circa 8.04 am according to a report theSoutheast Missourian.

Tragically, the expectant mother died on impact, with rescue workers able to give the mother CPR in a bid to save the unborn child.

Carrying the deceased mother to the Saint Francis Medical Center in Cape Girardeau medics performed an emergency caesarean.

A Go Fund Me since set up for the family described Sarah Iler’s daughter being born weighing four pounds and 15 ounces, albeit in critical condition at the time.

With doctors putting Maddyson on a ventilator the child was soon there after able to start peathing on her own.

Nevertheless medics fear that the accident may still lead to the baby girl suffering from long term pain and lung damage.

The fears come after doctors told of the newborn baby lacking oxygen for too long, with consequences of the accident, still too early to tell.

Ironically the accident came after Sarah Iler had recently reconciled with her husband, Matt Rider who is since recovering from the ordeal.

The accident led to the husband undergoing several surgeries with all the man’s limbs poken along with some ribs.

