Top 3 Bug Type Pokemon Vs Blissey

Scizor is a mixed bag in Pokemon GO, mostly due to it’s moveset potential. Its’ Max CP is not too shabby and its stats are far better than Scyther ever had.

ATK 236
DEF 191
STA 140

Scizor (Furry Cutter+ X-Scissor) 100% Lv38.5 VS Blissey P+H 100% Lv39 (video)

Pinsir is extremely common to catch, which means the chances of you finding a strong one greatly increases. Also another benefit is that Pinsir doesn’t evolve therefore; you can easily use all the Pinsir candies to power one up.

CP 2770
ATK   238
DEF 197
STA 130

Pinsir (Rock Smash + X-Scissor) vs Blissey (video)

 (Exclusive Regional Pokemon)

The bug/fighting Pokemon, Heracross is a great gym attacker. Heracross has a base attack of 234 along with a base stamina of 160 and base defense of 189.Heracross also uses powerful ground and fighting moves such as Close Combat and Earthquake; both of which deal over 100 damage. And with STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus), Close Combat can reach almost 60 Damage per Second.

CP 2938
ATK   234
DEF 189
STA 160

Heracross Counter(Counter+Close Combat) lv38 5 vs Blissey ZenDG lv38 5 (video)

