AN-01 Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight Axis (English version)

AN-01 Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight Axis 

Creat and modeled by Kobaruto from Japan

MS of Gundam appearing in "Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight AXIS" serialized at the web novel distribution site " Yahage article" delivered by Sunrise.

There may be people who saw "HGUC Gundam type (provisional)" and "HGUC Zaku III improvement (provisional)" exhibited at "Gundam EXPO World Tour Japan 2016 WINTER". 

This is the setting picture.

The base of the fuselage seems to be Gundam NT - 1, but it is here that I made various choices and combined various model kits part(HG) as below,

1. RX-93 ν Gundam


3. RGM-79C GM Custom

4. RGM-79N GM Reform

5. Mobile Suit Gundam MK-II

6. Gundam NT-1 Alex

RX-93 ν Gundam head plus NT - 1 's face.

Body upper body and arm are part of NT - 1 's arm to RGM-79Q GM QUEL.RGM-79C GM Custom, RGM-79N GM Reform and Gundam MK - Ⅱ.

Thigh is MK 2 .NT - 1 from the knee to the shin.Ankle is GM Custom and GM Reform.

The shield is a mixed version from Mobile Suit Gundam Mk2 and NT-1 , The beam gun is from RX-93 ν Gundam

Backpack is mainly used tthe Mobile Suit Gundam Mk2 and some modification.


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