數十億人隔離在家 科學家發現驚人數據:少了人類,「地球真的變安靜了」
(圖片來源:Royal Observatory of Belgium)
Hey friends! Am usually not the kind to "surf" on hype, but this time, I think it's for good, what do you think to co-write this? This week :-)
@wmvanstone @GeoGinger @celestelabedz @SeisCROv @seismo_koel @JDiazCusi @seismorost @raspishake @SeisCROv @seismo_steve @Koen_VanNoten
Seismology-at-school in Nepal@AtSeismo
Here is a nice example for the seismic noise reduction owing to lockdown in Nepal. Thanks @seismotom and @wmvanstone for sharing scripts (@SubediShiba1)#seisnepalschool
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I think I just got a group of goats in Llandudno arrested.Let me explain... first, I saw this from inside a dark pub (the one I live in currently). I thought I was seeing things. So I took some video:
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One more thing... so we get news alert emails from @Dataminr, like everywhere probably. Helps us find all sorts of peaking news.Never thought my goat tweets would make it into an alert Framing this one
Goat update: they’re back, and they’re gathering in groups of more than 2
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Satellite images released by NASA and the European Space Agency reveal that air pollution over China has gone down since the coronavirus outpeak
https://cnn.it/32ELeEONASA images show a decrease in China's pollution related to coronavirus
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Major cities that suffer from the world's worst air pollution have seen reductions of deadly particulate matter by up to 60% from the previous year, during a three-week lockdown period.
https://cnn.it/3aspYV1Air pollution falls by unprecedented levels in major global cities during coronavirus lockdowns
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