沒遊客~動物園乾脆讓「各動物串門」 比網友見面還驚訝:有生物長這樣?
COVID-19在全世界大流行,很多公眾場所和機構都暫時關閉,水族館和動物園也是如此。之前芝加哥著名的雪德水族館(Shedd Aquarium)放出企鵝參觀館區,讓網友們大呼「好萌」。其他水族館和動物園也紛紛效仿,快來看看這些有趣的「第一次見面」吧~
▼康乃狄格州的Mystic Aquarium水族館趁暫時封閉期間,安排海獅和蜥蜴見面。
Mystic Aquarium✔@mysticaquarium
When you got no game at the #StaringGame but your animal enrichment is on point.
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▼俄亥俄州辛辛那提的Cincinnati Zoo動物園也安排紅河豬出來參觀,牠來到非洲區,遇到一群狐獴。狐獴一家全都圍在玻璃門前,探頭探腦觀察路過的紅河豬。
▼馬裡蘭州的Maryland Zoo動物園則讓印度跑鴨跟企鵝見面。這兩種動物都是鳥類,一種生活在陸地上,一種生活在海中,這次跨越了地域界限的會面非常有趣。
Birds of a feather...visit each other when the Zoo is closed. Our Indian runner duck stopped by the Penguin Education Center this week.
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▼加州的San Diego Zoo動物園安排白鼻浣熊跟大猩猩見面,大猩猩對這種小動物很感興趣。
Taki the coati cutie visited some prime-mates over the weekend.
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When in the water, penguins are powerhouses! 💪🐧
Magellanic penguins are excellent long-distance swimmers. With their powerful wings, they can hit speeds of 15 mph. Monte explored the Polar Play Zone and stopped to watch Dolores and Mercedes swim.
pic.twitter.com/dYiDhdGhNM - Shedd Aquarium (@shedd_aquarium) March 25, 2020
▼德州的Dallas Zoo動物園讓鵰鴞參觀錦鯉。
Remember Hodari, our adorable little milky eagle owl chick? She took a trip to the Children’s Zoo recently to meet the koi fish! We are introducing her to all kinds of sights and sounds right now, so she’ll grow up to be confident and a great ambassador for her species.
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