

  • 基礎物防由 20.216 提升至 22

  • 寒霜霸權 (被動)
  • AP係數由 0.3 提升至 0.5

  • 暴雪結界 (W)
  • AP係數由 0.5 提升至 0.7
  • 潘森

    彗星戰矛 (Q)

  • 基礎傷害由 75/115/155/195/235 減少至 75/110/145/180/215
  • 法洛士


  • 基礎生命由 499 提升至 500
  • 基礎魔力由 360.48 減少至 360
  • 基礎魔力回復由 7.34 提升至 8
  • 基礎物攻由 59 提升至 61


"Your semi-weekly dose of server problem-os, NA League news, and other! (Delayed a few days because life happened)
Worlds group stages have just been drawn, there’s a free TFT capsule with Twitch Prime, some updates to peering may help lower ping for some players, and final tweaks for 9.19 are on PBE. 
  • Mac voice still not working properly (Bug grouped with other Mac bugs)
  • None
Server Stuff:
  • Backup databases unable to backup(9/10, ~80 minutes) Automated alerting notifies the NOC that ping loss is high on a backup database. A technician on site uncovers that the physical host is down. A pief diagnostic of the chassis points to a bad power supply. The technician replaces the bad power supply, drains a backup battery supply, then reboots the backup successfully.
  • Leagues error causes players to be unable to join Clash testing(9/16, ~37 minutes) A change to networking routes causes programs to send data to the wrong location. Because of this, players would be unable to join Clash tournaments (due to the request ending up in a black hole of nothingness). Fixing the network route enables players to connect to Clash tournaments properly.
  • Ranked not enabled after maintenance window(9/18, ~29 minutes) Maintenance is completed early in the morning. However, implementer of various checklist items did not fully complete the checklist (forgot to re-enable ranked queues). The error was noticed shortly after completion, a quick oops caused by human error.
  • Twitch Prime promo in store leads to 404 error (9/18, ~2 hours) Banner was changed in the League client pointing to the Twitch Prime promo. The NOC is notified that clicking on the promotion leads to nowhere. NOC alerts the proper team, which shows the banner was put up too early. Banner is later enabled at proper time when link works again.
Game Stuff:
  • Micropatch causes game to end in error(9/11, ~4 hours) A micropatch for TFT goes out, and automated monitoring doesn’t trigger for several hours (alarm finally activated when the level was high enough). NOC manually kills all bad ghost games, and investigation shows the micropatch caused the freezing.

