- 厄薩斯
- (R)額外移動速度從30/40/50%恢復到60/80 / 100%
- 熔岩護盾(E)
- 減傷從8/11/14/17/20增加到10/13/16/19/22
- 龍獸
- 基礎HP從510增加到575
- 凱特琳
- 基礎AD從60增加到62
- 艾克
- (W)
- 法力消耗從50/55/60/65/70降低到30/35/40/45/50
- 暈眩持續時間從1.75增加到2.25
(R)的冷卻時間從90/75/60 恢復成110/85/60
- (Q) AD係數從115%回復至100%
- (E)緩速從28/36/44/52 / 60%變為40/45/50/55 / 60%
- 翻滾(Q)的額外傷害從50 / 57.5 / 65 / 72.5 / 80%AD恢復至50/ 60/65/70%AD
"Hey folks! I am Xenogenic, the Game Design Lead for the team that makes skins, events, and new content like Eternals. After announcing Eternals a few weeks ago, we’ve been having ongoing conversations with players to gather feedback and make improvements while we continue working on them.
One of our changes to the feature is to build sets of 3 Eternals that are unique to each champion, capturing things directly related to their specific abilities or gameplay patterns, and not include common stats like Kills, Damage Dealt, etc.
What we’d like to do now is list our proposals for each champion for the first set so you can give us feedback on what you like or don’t like, as well as make suggestions for ideas for things we should track in the future!