


Other in-game features include a new flair for that champion’s Mastery emote, a list of Eternals at the back of a champion’s loading screen card, and a showcase of your Eternals on enemies’ death screens when you take them down. You can track your progress for each Eternal in the Progression tab of the client when not in game. 
Now that we’ve refreshed on what Eternals are, on to the changes… 
We’re delaying the launch of Eternals and are making adjustments based on your feedback, including: 
  • Lowering the price of Eternals sets
  • Separating sets into Uniques and Commons
  • Creating more Unique Eternals per champion
  • Making Common sets available for BE during Essence Emporiums
  • Creating discounted Eternals bundles for those with larger champion pools
Eternals will now be separated into two set types: 
Common and Unique
Common sets will only include poadly-applicable Eternals, such as Kills, Objectives Destroyed, and Takedowns. They’ll be available year-round for 225 RP and twice a year in the Essence Emporium for 3500 BE. Similarly to chromas, they’ll only enter the Essence Emporium once they’ve been live for six months, but as a special launch celepation, all Common sets will be available immediately in the Essence Emporium. Each Common set will contain three Common Eternals per champion. 

