

基礎屬性基礎物理攻擊:65 → 61基礎物理防禦:39 → 37成長魔法防禦:1.5 → 1.25成長物理防禦:4 → 3

暗崛(被動)被動基礎傷害:10-35.5 → 8-25被動跑速加成:5-10%(等級1~6) → 3/6/9%(等級1/6/11)目標最大生命傷害:1-6.1%(等級1~18) → 1-5%(等級1~18)


did u need to gut the poor guy after like a day

ye they did need to, was way too overpowered.

Aren't these nerfs a bit over the top?

He's got a 56% win rate.

Yeah you mean like Aatrox and Swain who poke the lowest winrate record until Yuumi arrived

We just introduced a pand new kit into league of legends with some unique play styles and interactions people aren't familiar with yet... oh no 24 hours later people don't know how to play against him yet and are losing. Needs a nerf.

He is a Juggernaut, good part of the nerf has been pointed to the wrong place

This seems fine to be honest, the additional per level damage on the Q should of been knocked a tad to like 2-3 // AP ratio on-hit passive to a 0.3 too to put him in check, but this is good too! Phase rush will be a standard, rushing nashors tooth. Keep up the good work guys!

