




沒 想到第二天早上,當她醒來的時候才發現自己動撣不得,不能坐,不能站,基本上是癱瘓了。她也嘗試過站立,但疼痛感實在太強,強到她完全感覺不到她的胳膊和 腿。她還感到呼吸急促、耳朵嗡嗡作響、臉色蒼白。在她搭飛機的時候,她覺得這是她有史以來最漫長的3小時,因為她無法坐下,只能一直躺著,甚至躺著對她來 說都是痛苦的。

現 在她已經回到家了,感覺好多了,只是不能像正常人一樣移動,並且會在接下來的幾天裡臥床不起。▼原文如下:Feeling a lot better now, and back home safely.Thanks to those who texted or DMed me! I’m not sick, sick, (technically am sick cause of my cough and flu, but no big issue)I sprained my back. Don’t know what caused it, one min I was fine, next minute I find it hard to walk, sit or stand. I ignored the pain and continued sightseeing, since I was traveling, and since the pain was bearable.However, the next morning, when I woke up, I can’t move anymore, can’t sit, can’t stand, basically paralysed. Tried standing but the pain was so severe I couldn’t feel my arms and legs, I was hyperventilating, ears humming, and my face was so pale, my mom had to call in paramedics fearing it was my spine that got injured.Thanks to the super assisting staff at @dashbali , paramedics came, checked to make sure my spine was fine, and we decided to inject pain killers, cause I had a flight to catch later that evening.It was the longest 3 hours of flight ever, cause I can’t sit, could only lie down, even lying down was painful. Thanks to the kind staff at @airasia , I was given 3 seats so I could lie in peace. I’m back home and feeling a lot better now. Just can’t move like a normal person yet, and will be bedridden the next few days. So sorry for the last minute called off jobs and appointments! I’ll be back kicking real soon! Hopefully before next year!!Please take care too everyone! Didn’t know a back sprain could be so painful and inconvenient!#NoMoreCrossingLegsWhileSitting#ExerciseMore#HealthIsWealth 她也借此機會呼籲大家不要再翹腳坐了,沒試過都不知道背部扭傷會如此痛苦和不方便!沒想到一個坐姿就會傷害你的背部!

通過她回復網民的留言得知,陳俐杏現在已經好很多啦~ 只是行走得像個老太太而已!


